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Or perhaps, a dark-browed Indian wanders slowly by
Glancing at this tranquil shelter
With his fierce dark eye.
Do these gnarled heroic warriors
Towering side by side,
Waken no vague recollection
Of his vanquished tribe?

Do no thoughts of nature's grandeur light his darkened mind,
As with noiseless tread, he slowly
Leaves them all behind?
Poor, lone man, a cloud of darkness
O'er your mental vision frowns,
Will not the "Great Spirit" lift it
In those upper hunting grounds?

Overhead the boughs uniting form a temple high
With its massive domes extending
Toward the filmy sky;
While amid its cloistered stillness
On warm Sabbath eves,
One may hear the sweetest praises
Floating through the leaves.

Nature here unclasps her volume, wrought in flowers and vines,
From each page I gladly study
Her own fair designs;
Rugged rocks and sands and mosses
Lessons sweet impart,
Stamping many a thought of beauty
Deep on mind and heart.

Sitting in this old cathedral, in its sombre shades
Where the eloquence of nature
Every heart persuades;

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