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Life has its bugle-tones, high and sweet
Above the discord of trampling feet;
There is music, courage, hope and cheer
In the bugle-tones that all may hear.

Above the stifling of smoke and dust
They float to earth on the wind's wild gust,
They soar and sing midst the thickest strife,
The high, sweet bugle-tones of life.

O clear voiced bugle, your notes shall speed
The fainting heart and the panting steed
'Till truth shall triumph, while error dies,
And the blast of victory thrills the skies!

'Till the dust and the smoke of the fiery fray
Like the mists of the morning have cleared away,
'T1ill the bravest, noblest hosts have won
And the toilsome march of the world is done.

Awake stern hills to the battle's clash,
Its thunders deepen, its lightnings flash;
Far, far above it and over it all
I can hear the sound of the bugle call.

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