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(As if the fair vision loath to hide)
Cast into the berth its roseate glow.

Over two months had she slumbered there,
By that sea-water clear and cold embalmed;
Yet it seemed that the soul of that temple fair
Was only that morn by death's angel calmed.

The divers gazed on the scene impressed
With its solemn beauty, then went their way—
Softly, as not to disturb her rest,
For death seemed robbed of half his prey.

They were rude, unscrupulous, fearless men
These daring wrestlers who challenge the deep,
In ghastly scenes had they often been
Where silent sentinels vigil keep.

They plundered the beautiful barque (nor spake)
Embedded in coral and yellow sand,
But not one among them approached to take
The sparkling rings from the little hand.

In a few short weeks her lover sought
The deep sea-grave of his promised bride,
Their anchor they cast at the self-same spot
In the diver's armor he braved the tide—

Through the crystal waters he saw the wreck
Lit up with its dazzling tints as before,
He passed o'er the ruined sand-strewn deck
And followed the guide to the cabin door;

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