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Down through the ancient corridors of Time
Isaiah's deathless song rolled full and sweet,
It swayed the universe with tones sublime,
It shook the mighty monarchies of Crime
And held within its eloquence complete
A prophecy of Satan's sure defeat.

Over Earth's waving fields and wave-beat shore,
Over her pomp and glory, pride and gold,
O'er Art's magnificence in cities old,
O'er Nature's artless beauty, sped the word
Fresh from the living presence of the Lord
And wise men marveled at its mystic lore.

Not only to the mighty did it come,
Into the darkened hovels of the poor
Swift did the heralds their glad message bear,
On noiseless wings oped Heaven's mystic door
Revealing all the hidden glory there
And lo, the prophet saw his living Lord,

His matchless throne and gracious seraphim,
He heard the message of the King of Kings
And when the pearly gates swung back again
And the blest vision vanished from his sight
He trod the paths of this world's starless night
As one who had beheld eternal things.

And from his burning pen glad Prophecies
Caught holy wings and from the sacred scroll
Flew to the earth's remotest boundaries
Fraught with redemption for the ruined soul.

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