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O Wind! in all thy wingless flight,
What treasure hast thou brought,
And com'st thou through the solemn night
With good or evil fraught?

I hear the gladness in thy song,
The sadness in thy wail;
As swift thou wing'st thy flight along
O'er city, hill and vale.

The stately oaks before thee bow,
And make obeisance low,
Oh, tell me, Wind, whence comest thou
And whither dost thou go?

The shadows on my chamber floor
Were playing hide and seek,
When through the storm's wild rush and roar
The Wind's voice seemed to speak;

And in a deeper, mysterious tone
Of solemn melody,
Told where its viewless wings had flown,
And sang this song to me:

"I crossed the ocean's broad expanse,
I wrecked the ships at sea,
I fanned the wavelets where they dance
To music wild and free.

I echoed through the lonely caves,
And played among the rocks;
I flung the sea-weed from the waves,
And chased the gulls in flocks.

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