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Oh! who would be flattered with praise undeserved
Or with honors that are not his due?
Oh! who in the curse of a hypocrite's garb
Would friendship and fortune pursue?

Oh! who would be proud of a virtuous name
That has not its fountain within?
Oh! who would be proud of a record of fame
Defiled by a record of sin?

Better to know that our motives are right,
Though others may never applaud;
Better to see all our fondest hopes blight
Than be false to ourselves or our God.

Better to act with a noble design
And drink slanders, wormwood and gall,
Than be sung to the heavens for motives sublime,
And know they were narrow and small.

Reputation may fade like a false, fickle dream,
When we stand before God's judgment bar,
But firm shall stand character (not what we seem)
But just what we truly are.

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