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To Thee ascend its quenchless fires,
To Thee it evermore aspires;
Without Thy face
Earth might take on the hues of Heaven,
Yet would the Soul with longing riven
Pant for its natal place.

Peace, panting Soul, on holier sod
Happy forever with thy God
Thou shalt abide;
Soon these frail prison bars shall break,
The fluttering Spirit shall awake
And shall be satisfied.


Glad is my heart this Autumn morn
Though oft by cruel fortune torn;
Happy I am, though bitter tears
Have mingled with the flood of years;
Let clouds of blackness veil my sky,
Hope shall the gathering storm defy;
Let tempests howl and thunders roar,
And surges beat life's billowy shore;
Be mine, the eagle's dauntless flight,
Above the storm's impending night,
Where bathed in day's serenest glow,
The clouds float tranquilly below;
Be mine, the sky-lark's loftiest aim,
From angry storm and raging main,
To soar aloft on joyful wing,
Rise far above the clouds and sing.

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