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Virtue or vice, which shall we call thy name?
Parent of wealth, of liberty, of fame;
Author of crime; shall reason bless or blame?

Thine offspring are in number as the sands,
In monument to thee, all triumph stands;
Yet, blood of innocence is on thy hands.

Stagnation into frenzy, thou hast turned;
Kindled, in sluggish veins, thy fire hath burned;
To censure and to praise thee, man hath learned.

Read where thy record fills the page of time,
Inspirer of the cursed Cain, of crime;
Creator of the noble and sublime.


May the first song and yet the last I sing,
Be of the sweet bird with the broken wing
That struggles in the red-stained grass to rise,
And pours its music into thankless skies;
Be of the rosebud bright and fair,
Breathing sweet fragrance from the air;
Be of the heart that torn and wounded lives
Above the anguish that another gives,
That lets no bitterness from all its wrong
Taint its pure sweetness or make harsh its song.

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