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My heart goes out to rescue,
From ruin and despair,
The weak and feeble-hearted ones,
Who perish without prayer.
No hope in hardened hearts,
Upon sin-stained lips no word
Repentant, or believing
The mercy of the Lord;
While my prayers change to praises
To God, for He hath heard.

Then pray though wordless, voiceless,
Thy soul's desire arise;
Though drowned in human sorrows,
He hears the raven's cries.
Remembering our weakness,
Our fallen low estate;
His loving kindness is so strong,
His tenderness so great.
He guides us when we trust Him,
He saves us while we wait.


Why art thou cast down my Soul,
Why disquieted within me?
Though the billows o'er thee roll,
Trouble's waters shall not win thee,
Though the fiery flames consign
Thy frail earthly house to ashes,
Lo, a quenchless flame is thine,
O'er the night of death it flashes;
Hope in God, thou shalt not die,
Spirit of the Eternal Spirit;
He it is who hears thy cry,
Whom alone thy praise doth merit.

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