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Not these gray mountains, falling old and grim,
Their rocks and boulders piling stone on stone,
Will hide the wicked from the face of Him
Who sitteth on the throne.

Long was that face by clouds and mists obscure,
And men have been by sin and shame enticed;
Remembering not that each shall stand before
The judgment-seat of Christ.

There shall the laurels fall from many a brow,
Then many deeds of valor none applaud;
Justice and judgment, aye, forever, now
Belongeth unto God.

Then shall a clean and stainless life shine forth,
For God looks not on sin with tolerance;
There shall one lovely deed of love be worth
More than long arguments.

These petty courts that through long centuries
Justice and judgments have dispensed to men,
These justice halls and penitentiaries
Will not be needed then.

For, cast aside shall be these laws that play
With crimes, as cats with mice, to tantalize
One victim, while another hid away
Mocks at stern Justice's eyes.

When sits the Judge of all the universe,
Up on His righteous throne—none shall distort
His laws—on sin shall fall sin's curse
In that high court.

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