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'Tis glorious to live and know
That my Redeemer lives,
And that where'er my footsteps go
A lamp of light He gives.

'Tis happiness to live and know
That life shall never wane;
For though man dieth here below,
Yet shall he live again.

To live and know that not for time
Each thought and deed shall be;
But for (oh, calling grand sublime!)
For all eternity.

'Tis wonderful to live and find,
In all below, above,
The stamp of the Infinite mind,
The story of God's love.

To live with guardian angels near
And peace an hourly guest,
To face the darkness without fear
Amid the storm to rest.

To feel the strivings of a soul
That nevermore can die,
Longings whose wide, unbounded goal
Is immortality.

'Tis beautiful to die and feel
This earthly house decay,
Then rise and seek with new-fledged zeal
That mansion far away.

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