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(Isaiah 63:9.)

Thou, tempest tossed and wrecked in troubled waters,
Hope's anchor cast, and wait the coming morn;
In Bethlehem to Zion's troubled daughters,
The Saviour Christ was born.

Unto Faith's starry vision is depicted
The sympathizing Saviour at thy side;
He in all thy affliction is afflicted,
The angel of His presence is thy guide.

Look up, tried soul, when in His love and pity,
He who redeemed thee unto God from sin,
Prepares a place within His holy city
Where thou shalt enter in.

A rest, a refuge, midst those Heavenly places,
The Saviour's love prepares;
A waking to the light of loved lost faces,
Unchanged save in the loss of earthly cares.

Shall we remember all the vain regretting
In that bright world? Dark clouds that shadowed this?
No; we shall waken to a glad forgetting
Of everything save bliss.

For in Christ's presence can be felt no sorrow,
Regrets behind or threatening fears before;
To-day the cross with Him, but oh, to-morrow
Pleasures at His right hand forevermore!

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