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Who drains the goblet of Success
To find it ever brimming,
Proves not to me by simply this
His undisputed worthiness
To wear the crown of kingliness
That pride is often dimming.

Who finds but Failure's bitter dregs
In some great undertaking,
Proves not by simply this to me
That rightly and deservedly
He forfeits true nobility,
All claim to honors breaking.

'Tis glorious to succeed and wear
Success's living laurel,
But when ennobling Effort's crown
But serves to weight that effort down,
As growing reefs of high renown
Reveal the hidden coral.

If some vain ego of disdain
Usurp the throne empyreal,
Some proud usurper to displace
King Kindness and each kindred grace,
And Queen Humility's sweet face
Of charms ethereal.

Success becomes poor Failure's twin
Blessed with prosperity,
One, plunged in misery and want,
Bearing low Failure's dismal taunt,
The other, in delight to flaunt
His title of feigned verity.

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