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She stood a moment with her eyes uplifted,
Scanning the heavens for one last lingering sign,
Or one last token of the wondrous promise
Writ in the purest light of trust divine,
And looked upon by eyes undimmed by sin;
Then sitting down, burst into bitter weeping,
Shedding the tears that long refused to flow,
But had been falling drop by drop unnoticed,
Wearing away with steady steps but slow
The youth and gladness of her fresh young heart.

A letter lay upon her open desk,
A letter not yet sealed, a little ring
Lay glittering by it in the shadowy light;
Why had the presence of that sable wing
Left on this fair young head its withering blight?
Alas! the fairest, frailest barque must meet the storm!
At last she rises with a fresh resolve,
Rises as one braced for a coming blast,
Firm is the hand that seals a just decree,
Calm is the soul whose victory is past,
Who soars triumphant on the wing of Faith;
The shades of night fall silently about her,
O, do not wake her from her peaceful sleep!
O, do not wake sweet dreams to real trials!
O, do not wake the tearless eyes to weep!

Hush! let no footfall break her calm repose;
What is this thing, this quiet rest from troubles,
This sweet forgetfulness of tempests past,
This blessed gift to soul, to mind, to body?
O, do not break it, 'tis not long to last,
Let the tired spirit slumber while it may!
Yes, it will if when the heart is burdened,

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