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(The last word spoken by Napoleon the
Great, before his death, in the prison at St.
Helena, was the name of his first wife, the
Empress Josephine.)

Sternest soldiers are the guards
Of these rocky battlements,
Bright the glistening of their swords,
Keen their bristling bayonets.

Not the martialed power of France
Dares this fortress height to scale,
Britain here her standard plants,
Streams her pennons on the gale.

Past the scowling battlements,
Past the British lion bold,
Past the bristling bayonets,
Stalks a monster grim and old.

None beside has dared to storm
Fortress rock, or prison bar,
Death, with sure release, has come
To the prisoned Emperor.

Burns the tropic sun o'erhead
With a fervent, lurid glare.
Sounds the soldier's measured tread
Guarding Britain's prize with care.

To a narrow cell consigned
On a lonely isle outcast;
Where is now that mighty mind
Midst the ruins of the past?

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