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With mother's tender land no more on her brow, put away
The grasses beneath, and she was alone and almost a child.

Like a kid decoyed to its death, the stealthy panther lures,
Mocking the voice of its dam, thus he led the innocent child
Through her tenderness down to ruin, he is a friend of yours,
And admired by all; as you say, "men will be wild."

But I wonder if God, so far above on His great white throne
The clanging tumult of trouble and doubt that mortals vex;
When the murmur of a crime sweeps up from earth with woeful moan,
If He pauses, ere He condemns, to ask the offender's sex.

And if so, whether the weaker or stronger He blames the most,
The tempter or tempted a tithe of His tender compassion claims,
Whether the selfish or too unselfish, those who through love or lust are lost,
He in His infinite wisdom and mercy most condemns.

Frown not, I know her evil our womanly nature shuns,
Turns from, with shuddering horror; but now so low is her head.
For God's sake, woman, remember your own little ones
Lying safely at home in their snow-white sheltered bed.