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Trinity College.
O Trinity! thy turrets gleam
In proximate suburban space
Like vast cathedral towers, and seem
Suggestive of some holy place;
Some quiet, quaint, monastic spot,
"Within whose deep reclusive shade
Benignant priors might have taught,
And strangely solemn friars prayed.

Grand metamorphosis of rocks!
A blemish once on nature's face,
By sudden expedited shocks
Of man's designing, rent apace;
The work of master-architect
Amorphous mass who shaped anew,
That magic-like, without defect,
Into thy storied structure grew.

O symbol of a golden age
That typifies, in solid stone,
A progress neither seer nor sage
Of ancient time had ever known!
For in symmetric, stately walls
Is dignified an honored name
That Athens' classic haunts recalls,
And rivals Alexandria's claim.