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At Half Mast.
No joyful song is mine to-day
Because at early morning,
That solemn bell not far away
Pealed forth its dreadful warning;
And through my heart a shudder went
For by arrangement given,
That General Grant—the signal meant—
Had passed from earth to Heaven.

Then, later, down the street I passed
So sad—almost to crying—
For all around me at half mast
The " stripes and stars" were flying;
And friendly faces that I sought
Were signs of sorrow wearing—
That is, all who in kindly thought
Are our dead hero bearing.

For some will scoff instead of sigh,
And wickedly upbraid him—
But there are those who would defy
And curse the God who made him;
And some beside his bier will crave
A place, and round him hover
Who—ghouls, and heartless!—from the grave
Would tear its sacred cover.