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Pray, what " corrective" shall I eat?
For those experts who "can't be beat"
Declare that sugar gives out heat.

They 're putting on—how kind they are!
For that excursion, drawing nigh,
A big "refrigerator car,"
To take us down to Ocean Bar.
Oh, packed in ice, how sweet to lie!
If envious crowds were standing by,
'T would be a luxury thus to die.

An Episode of the Rink.
A lovely minister was he,
Endorsed by young and old,
The doctor's pretty daughter she,
And worth her weight in gold.

A happy, handsome pair were they,
Of wide and good renown,
In popular diversions gay,
Who fairly led the town.

"Ma belle" said he, "maybe you'll think
It highly hazardous,
But seems to me the skating rink
Is just the thing for us!"