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Complaint, or sigh, breathes not upon her lips,
Her life is one dark, fatal, deep eclipse.
Lead her to the green grave where ye have laid
The creature that ye mourn;—let it be said,
"Here love, and youth, and beauty, are at rest!"
She only sadly murmurs, " Blest!—most blest!"
And turns from gazing, lest her misery
Should make her sin, and pray to Heaven to die.

From an epistle written when the thermometer stood at 98° in the shade.

Oh! for the temperate airs that blow
Upon that darling of the sea,
Where neither sunshine, rain, nor snow,
For three days hold supremacy;
But ever-varying skies contend
The blessings of all climes to lend,
To make that tiny, wave-rocked isle,
In never-fading beauty smile.