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to mrs. dulaney.
    What was thine errand here?
To adorn anguish, and ennoble death,
    And make infirmity
    A patient victory,
And crown life's baseness with a glorious wreath,
    That fades not on thy bier,
But fits, immortal soul! thy triumph still,
In that bright world where thou art gone to dwell.

Written among the ruins of the Sonnenberg.

Thou who within thyself dost not behold
Ruins as great as these, though not as old,
Can'st scarce through life have travelled many a year,
Or lack'st the spirit of a pilgrim here.
Youth hath its walls of strength, its towers of pride;
Love, its warm hearth-stones; Hope, its prospects wide;
Life's fortress in thee, held these one, and all,
And they have fallen to ruin, or shall fall.