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The wealth we must surrender
Of leafage, bloom, and light,
Reveals the larger splendor
And grandeur of the night;
And worship that we render
Seems more in God's own sight.

The heavens laid bare above us
In majesty untold,
Show forth how He doth love us,
And would our lives infold;
How the dear Lord would have us
Look up to Him more bold;

With simple, childlike boldness,
That fears without a fear;
Nor stands far off in coldness,
But draws unquestioning near;
A glad, forgetful boldness,
That saith, Thy child is here!

Oh, as the years go by us,
As year by year they wane,
And many trims try us,
And everything is vain,
If God doth not deny us
How can our hearts complain!