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SWEET-PEAS! Sweet-Peas!
   The very sweetest of all sweet things!
   Airily poised, like butterfly wings,
  On the slender stem.
And now they brood in a still delight;
And anon, as the light wind touches them,
They tremble and flutter, as feigning flight,
In coyness—not affright.
   And lest they fly,
    The tricksy Zephyr passes by
With a little moan of make-believe,
   And pretends to die
Among the cherry-trees!
They only smile—they will not grieve,
   The gay and shy
    Sweet-Peas !

   Sweet-Peas! Sweet-Peas!
The very sweetest of all sweet things!
Perfect pink and perfect white;
Exhaling a perfume so rare, so pure,
It ceaseth never to allure,
Nor faileth ever to satisfy;