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WAS ever yet the world so fair!
The long, sweet day! the tender night!
A fragrant thrill pervades the air—
Spring's ever newly waked delight.

It floods the azure realm above;
It quickens all the sod below;
It is the very soul of Love,
And song and bloom its overflow.

No living thing unconscious named
But knows the depth of this delight,
And filled with joy and unashamed
Leaves joy to fashion joy aright.

The bluebird's note is all his own;
The thrush one matchless song repeats;
And murmurs Love translates alone
Hint how the brooding dove-heart beats.

At eve the stars grow dim with dreams;
At morn the wandering waysides blush;
More sweet the brook's low babble seems,
Wed with the woodland's happy hush.