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Fight as they, forsaking all;
Rack nor cross could them appall.
Warfare or within, without,
In their ears was victory's shout;
Whatso treasure they possessed
Dross became through Christ confessed,
Poverty was wealth, and pain
Pledge of everlasting gain;
Bitterness was sweet to taste;
Torture slow was heavenly haste;
While their Captain glorious,
Over all victorious,
Fought with them, and in His strength
Made them conquerors at length.

Now, as then, the battle rages;
Christians still the Foe engages;
Though he colors change and name,
Is that deadly Foe the same.
Seven-fold the might he wields
O'er the victim soul that yields;
But with seven-fold armor clad,
Shall the true and valiant smite,
And put the evil powers to flight;
While the tidings, swift and glad,
Ring through all the realms of light
Where the Church's grand procession
From her holy ranks below
Daily swelled in calm possession