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on the beach.
And glimmering beach, and plover's flight,
And that long surge that rolls
Through bands of green and purple light,
Are fairer to our human sight,
Because of human souls.

Seest thou yon fleet of anchored isles
Upon the sea-line gray?
My thoughts o'erfloat these murmurous miles,
To land where bygone summer smiles
On gorge and sheltering bay.

I wander with a spirit there,
Along the enchanted shore:
We breathe the soft, sea-scented air,
And think no isle is half so fair
As rocky Appledore.

She turns to me her large, dark eyes:—
Were ever eyes so true?—
The twilight flushes, fades, and dies;
The beacon flames; the white stars rise
Across pale gulfs of blue.