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"Below, on each side of the door, are two beautiful groups. That to the right of the spectator represents Siegfried and Chriemhild. She is leaning on the shoulder of her warlike husband, with an air of the most inimitable and graceful abandonment in her whole figure: a falcon sits upon her hand, on which her eyes are turned with the most profound expression of tenderness and melancholy; she is thinking upon her dream, in which was foreshadowed the early and terrible doom of her husband."—Mrs. Jameson.—Description of the new palace at Munich.

From Mrs. Jameson's "Legends of the Monastic Orders."

"King Robert the Second of France was author of the touching hymn, in which all his gentle nature seems to speak:—'Veni Sancte Spiritus.' King Robert had certainly more of the monk than the king about him. Necessity drove him to the cares and the state of royalty; but his joys were in church-music, which he composed, in devotion, and in alms-giving."—Christian Life in Song.