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I speaking, when my mother said; 'Son, for mine own part I have no further any delight in this life. What I do here any longer, and why I am here, I know not, now that my hopes in this world are accomplished. One thing there was for which I desired to linger a little while in this life, that I might see thee a Catholic Christian before I died. My God hath done this for me more abundantly: what do I here?' Scarce five days after she fell sick of a fever. On the ninth day of her sickness was that religious and holy soul freed from the body."—Ibid.

"The Pilgrim they laid in a large upper chamber, whose window opened towards the sun-rising: the name of the chamber was Peace."—Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress.


Cambridge: Stereotyped and Printed by Welch, Bigelow, & Co.