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skipper ben.
Never again shall he walk at ease,
Under his blossoming apple trees,
That whisper and sway to the sunset breeze,
While the soft eyes float where the sea-gulls skim,
   Gazing with him.

   How they went down
Never was known in the still old town.
Nobody guessed how the fisherman brown,
With the look of despair that was half a frown,
Faced his fate in the furious night,—
Faced the mad billows with hunger white,
Just within hail of the beacon-light
That shone on a woman sweet and trim,
   Waiting for him.

   Beverly bells,
Ring to the tide as it ebbs and swells!
His was the anguish a moment tells,—
The passionate sorrow death quickly knells.
But the wearing wash of a lifelong woe
Is left for the desolate heart to know,
Whose tides with the dull years come and go,
Till hope drifts dead to its stagnant brim,
   Thinking of him.