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Maddalena's confession.
Leant on their harps and wept! The low notes failed
Exhaustedly, But as they ceased, oh Heaven!
As 'twere a scimitar quick bared, a shaft
Hurled by a giant, a prolonged, loud shriek
Leapt through the gloom, and like a dart rebounding
Fell, shivered into echoes! Holy Mary!
My every pulse thrilled with a separate pain!
All through the crowd a light electric shiver
Passed like a link. All dimly from mine eyes
Fled the dark forms of priest and cardinal
And Heaven's vicegerent in his pontiff robes!
I must have fallen, but for one steadfast arrd
Girding my waist like iron. Scarce I marked
How the whole choir, with thick, sore sobs, bewailed
Christ's death. I know not what of sudden brightness
Rushed o'er my dazzled sense. Dispute it not!
I saw the darkness cloven by wings that took
Light like a prism, and when the rifted gloom
Closed on their upward flight, my senses, prone,
Met its returning pressure.
Met its returning pressure. This was April,
And ere my dumb soul spoke again, the grape