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The tower of lahneck.
Ida, the blue-eyed stranger, leading through.
Crossed the rude threshold. Lo! a massy stair,
Far as the eye could follow, up the wall
Wound to the summit!
Wound to the summit! They were young and gay,
And never thought of danger. Ida first,
They scaled the steep flight, singing as they trod
Snatches of song. Their sweet notes filled the tower,
Making faint tinkling echoes as they dropt
Through its dim well of silence. Safe at last,
They stood upon the turret roof, and looked
Over the low broad parapet.
Over the low broad parapet. While one
With tears of joyous pride and outstretched hand,
Hamlet and river, vale and distant mount
Named rapidly, the other wept, oppressed
By the vague, restless sadness that to some
Comes linked with beauty.
Comes linked with beauty. Warning shadows grew
Long on the meadows while they talked of home,
Minding each other of the tedious path,