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When through old Bothall's shady wood
We roam'd, by Wansbeck's devious flood?
Oh! never sure was scene so fair!
Scarce wav'd the aspen leaf in air,
The murm'ring of the gentle stream,
That glitter'd in the sunny beam;
The trees, in various foliage seen,
Some deck'd in summer's liv'ry green,
And some in autumn's mellow hue,
Reflected in the waters blue;
At distance seen the shelter'd mill,
Suspended o'er the tinkling rill;—
Sweet was that autumn day! and ne'er
Have I beheld a scene so fair.

Yet, though we boast not scenes like these.
Perchance our rustic walks may please;
While, gently fann'd by western gales,
We wander through the fertile vales;