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At length, no more on study bent,
But much on female arts intent,
The crafty queen devis'd a plan,
To tame the pride of lordly man;
Force him to woman's pow'rs to yield,
And baffled, vanquished, fly the field.
Two lovely wreaths soon rose to view,
Alike in size, in form, and hue.
The royal fair one saw and prais'd,
  And piercing through the courtly ring,
She in each hand a garland rais'd,
  And stood before the king.

And ne'er did Spring's enchanting hours
Rear purer buds or fairer flow'rs.
For there the blushing roses blow,
There lilies boast their summer snow,
And there each flow'r of brilliant dye,
That blooms beneath fair Judah's sky,
Or scents the gales of Araby.