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Then shall the volleying thunder roar
From Cambria's hills to Devon's shore;
Red flashes light the darken'd Heav'n,
Trees, mountains, rocks, in twain be riven,
      Whilst earth shall ope her womb.
Then tremble, sinners! for in vain
Ye fly, ye death-devoted train!
Vainly the screams of terror rise!
While shrieks of madness rend the skies,
      Closes your living tomb.
Bristol, no more to Afric's strand,
Thy ships shall part from Freedom's land,
Thy deeds are past. Th' o'erwhelming tide
Shall sweep away thy wealth, thy pride,
      Destroy thy very name.
Bath, fair abode of vanity,
Oh, where is now thy revelry?
O'erthrown thy domes, thy storied walls,
Gay nobles perish in thy halls,
      With many a beauteous dame.