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the talisman.

"So daintily its strings were wrought,
So exquisitely fine,
A. breath from Him who made, could break
The talisman divine.

"So prompt, too, with its eloquent tones,
This rare device they say,
That, without touch of human hands,
A wish could bid it play!

"In radiant Eden first 'twas heard,
Harmonious, mild, and clear;
And at the sound, each singing-bird
Its warble hush'd, to hear.

"From thence, with varying melody,
But never with a tone
So pure, so free, as then it had,
It pass'd from sire to son.

"And-now, in murmurs soft and low
As rippling rills, it sang,
And now with wild, impassion'd flow,
Its clarion-music rang!