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the talisman.

"The oath within the murderer's heart,
Fair childhood's sinless prayer,
Hope's eager sigh, Affection's vow,
All found an echo there!

"What pity, that a gift so rich,
Attuned by love divine,
Was thus profaned by impious man,
At Guilt's unhallow'd shrine!"

Her eyes in innocent wonder raised,
As gravely still I spoke;
The child into my face had gazed,
But now the pause she broke:—

"Oh! were it mine, that wondrous toy,
That but a wish could wake!
Mamma, 'twould be my pride, my joy,
Soft melody to make!

The evil spirits, tempting youth,
Should ne'er approach my treasure,
I'd keep it pure for Love, for Truth,
For Pity, Hope, and Pleasure!