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"Too late!" the lady sigh'd, "oh! now,
If thou dost prize Zuleika,
Turn back!—point home thy shallop's prow,
Ere those forsaken seek her!

"When first my lips their light assent
To this light folly falter'd,
Love, only Love, his rainbow lent,
And still it smiles unalter'd.

"But oh! thro' tears of grief and shame
It glows; turn back, my bravest!
And blessings from Abdallah claim,
For her whose truth thou savest!"

Young Selim bent his lightning eyes
Back o'er the wild, blue water,—
With quivering lip he thus replies,
To old Abdallah's daughter:—

"Tis done, Zuleika! lo! we turn,
But never dream of Heaven
So fair to Moslem's eye did burn,
As that which thou hast riven