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may-day in new england.

"So young and so lovely, a cavern your home!
Ne'er languish'd that spirit for freedom to roam
Rude dwelling for creature so fragile and fair!"
"Ah, no!" she replied—" Kara Aly was there!"

Can this be May? Can this be May?
We have not found a flower to-day!
We roam'd the wood—we climb'd the hill—
We rested by the rushing rill—
And lest they had forgot the day,
We told them it was May, dear May!
We call'd the sweet wild blooms by name—
We shouted, and no answer came!
From smiling field, or solemn hill—
From rugged rock, or rushing rill—
We only bade the pretty pets
Just breathe from out their hiding-places;