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on a picture.

Rather weigh thy taper pale
With the light by Luna given;
Will the heaven-ray turn the scale?
Will the earth-lamp rise to heaven?

Love,—ethereal, holy Love!
Buoyant, joyous, proud, and free,
Maiden, see! he soars above
Worldly Pride and Vanity!

Rightly to its native earth
Sinks the gilded insect-fly;
Love—of holier, heavenlier birth—
Rises tow'rds his home on high!

Maiden! throw the scales away,
Never weigh poor Love again;
Let his pinions freely play,
Bind him not with vassal-chain!

See! he lifts his wondering eye
Half reproachfully to thee;—
Measured with a butterfly!
I'd take wing if I were he!