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the daisy's mistake.

The lark has been waiting to sing you a song,
Which he practised in Cloudland on purpose for you!

"Come, come! you are either too bashful or lazy!
Lady Spring made this season an early entrée;
And she wonder'd what could have become of her Daisy;
We'll call you coquettish, if still you delay!"

Then a still, small voice, in the heart of the flower,
It was Instinct, whisper'd her, "Do not go!
You had better be quiet, and wait your hour;
It isn't too late even yet for snow!"

But the little field-blossom was foolish and vain,
And she said to herself, "What a belle I shall be!"
So she sprang to the light, as she broke from her chain,
And gayly she cried, "I am free! I am free!"

A shy little thing is the Daisy, you know;
And she was half frighten'd to death, when she found