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"Tell him," the reverend Father said, "to build
Strong churches, and give freely of his gold
To our poor brothers." So his realm was filled
With monks and abbeys. But—shall truth be told?—

His father's shadow would not let him be,—
Till, one fine night, out of the pleasant skies,
Mary looked down, remembering that he
Was once a child, with sweet half-human eyes:

"He shall be glad again, for he shall make
The little ones glad in memory of my Son,"
She said. Her aureole flashed the King awake;
He thought, "Let my Lord's Mother's will be done."

So from his head the cruel crown he shook,
And from his breast the ermine cloak he tore,
And, wrapped in serge, his lonesome way he took
In the weird night from dreaming door to door.

A very Saint of Christmas in the moon,
Followed by glimmering evergreens and toys,
The old King looked. And did they wake too soon,
Those blonde-haired, blue-eyed, far-back girls and boys?