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Then blue, sweet shadows fell from flower-like eyes,
And purplish darkness drooped on careless hair,
And lips most lovely———oh, what empty sighs
Breathed to the air for something less than air!

I might have touched that fair and real ghost,
He laughed so lightly, looked so bright and brave,
So all unlike that thin and wavering host
Who walk unquiet from the quiet grave.

Myself another ghost, as vain and young,
And nearer Heaven than now by years and years,
My heart like some quick bird of morning sung
On fluttering wings above all dust and tears.

But some great lightning made a long red glare.
Black-plumed and brigand-like I saw him stand—
What ghastly sights, what noises in the air!
How sharp the sword seemed in his fevered hand!

He looked at me across the fiery field;
The South was in his blood, his soul, his face.
Imperious despair, too lost to yield;
Gave a quick glory to a desperate grace.