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What chatoyant splendors winging—
Splendors caught from sunrise skies
Wedded with celestial singing—
Singing birds of Paradise.

For me, never, never lonely
Days nor nights, if thou wilt only
Not delay thy spring-tide budding,
Nor forget the June-day flooding
Of my ways with subtlest fragrance,
Calling home the wingèd vagrants
That from memory vanished quite
Out of hearing, out of sight.
Lose in the- uncertain distance
Claim to true shape or existence.

Through thy tendrils, sky-aspiring,
Leaving little for desiring,
Let me hear the tempest's choiring,
Mellowed to the flute's respiring:
Let the sunbeam's warm embrace
With thy being interlace,
Leading by a shining clew
Heavenward to the quiet blue:
Let the rainbow's bridge of sighs,
Which the earth to heaven allies,
Touch thee into a disguise
Radiant as the dragon-fly's.

Can it be that storms may splinter
All thy strength some cruel winter?
That some wild and bleak New Year
Bring thee but a frozen tear;
So when little May winds shiver
Thou wilt make no answering quiver