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Where peace, where love, where joy abound,
From whence those streamlets flow.

To analyze with science, skill,
With such a holy art,
To bend, to break the stubborn will,
Then healing balm impart;
And genius' sacred lore combine
With gifts to sanctify divine
The unregenerate heart.

This, this a glorious work indeed;
Then wherefore longer wait,
Repeating psalter, psalm, or creed,
Before Jehovah's gate?
But once to die, with fear I own,
With trembling, Father, now atone
For sins too heavy, great.

Resist, ah never, such appeal
Presented with such care,
With pathos and with fervor, zeal,
Those Bible truths so rare;
A sermon perfect, part and whole,
To search the heart, to reach the soul,
Its seeds must flourish there.