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He, the chosen and the gifted,
God-commissioned pastor, stands,
With his voice, his soul uplifted,
For the laying on of hands.

Come and listen; see the picture;
Longer how can ye rebel?
Standing on the verge, the threshold,
Speak, beloved, speak and tell.
Now in saintly robes are bending
Bishop, pastor; both unite
Love beseeching and defending,
Children, for the mystic rite.

Trembling forms and hands are folded,
Lo! around, the chancel rail;
Hearts the Saviour's love has moulded,
Now received within His pale;
Penitential dews distilling,
Precious more than fruits of gold;
Father, while our vows fullfilling
May we hidden truths behold.

Sweet this contest in devotion,
When in God's own house we kneel;
Sweet the changes, every motion
Raptures undefined reveal;
Sympathy the chord has brightened,
Linking all the pure in heart;
All our cares, our sorrows lightened,
In a measure they depart.