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SING, O beautiful bird of the morning;
Trill out thy song and then listen to me.
Minstrel of light, awake since the dawning
Of day, I would bear a message to thee;
I, too, like thee, would pour out my gladness,
My gratitude render in tremulous song;
I, too, like thee, would banish all sadness,
Shadows dispel which at parting will throng.

I, too, like thee, would fly over mountain,
Flitting about on my mission all day;
I, too, would linger in forest, by fountain,
Chanting an anthem, or musical lay;
Under the leaves wait, while I deliver
My loving farewell to Dartmouth, bright bird;
Alas! only fragments of thought can I gather;
Too much the sources of feeling are stirred.

Thou canst inspire with thy witching numbers
Every sad heart, as thou hast now mine own;
Scatter the clouds where sorrow encumbers,
Carrying peace from thine emerald throne: