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Through frozen sunshine, ringing sweet and clear;
Then shall we fancy that she lists their play,
Afar, at morn, in fields of asphodels,
And smiles to think that still we hold her dear.


Boston Transcript, December, 1868.

By Thomas G. Spear.

I sigh for the loss of a beautiful friend,
Just silently gone from my vision forever;
But sweet are the thoughts that my sorrow attend,
For her life of serene and sublimest endeavor;
For her pride at each lofty and well-acted part
In the pathways that lead to humanity's glory,
And her zest for the soul-sent achievements of art,
In the annals of Genius and classical story;

For her love of the light and the beauty that shines
Abroad in the universe, wisdom unfolding;
For devotion to duty, wherever the lines
Of precept and reason her hands were upholding;
For her aim at the prize that rewardeth the just,
Her days and her years as a joyful believer,
And her triumph o'er all of despair and distrust,
Till the angel of Constancy came to receive her.

I knew her in womanhood, dwelling in peace
By the marge of a lake with its lily-crowned water,
Where the charms of her home found a daily increase
In the gentle control of this raven-haired daughter.
She ministered sweetly, and wisely, and well,
In her sylvan retreat of contentment and leisure,
And over the place hung the passionless spell
Of gladness and peace, of endearment and pleasure.