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Then when the crushing blow came down
That withered every ray of hope,
I met alone the cold world's frown,
Drank to the dregs that bitter cup.

Before the tempest passed away,
Or hushed the tumult of my bosom wild,
How fervently I tried to pray,
That God would be a father to my child.

My orphaned ones I trembling led
Unto the Gate of Heaven,
To dedicate them to my God,
On a calm, bright Sabbath even.

You side by side before the altar stood,
The mystic waters sprinkled on your brow;
I rested then upon the promised word
That He would keep and bless my darlings now.

Many years since then have fled
On the swift-winged messenger away,
And daring deeds, I fear may lead
Your pure young thoughts astray.

But if a mother's prayers can keep
Thee safe from sin and harm,
I'd bend the knee, I'd give my life,
To shield thee from the cold world's frown.