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"Tender hand hath made our nest;
Our fear is ended, our hope is blended
With present pleasure, and we have rest"—

"Oh, but Robin, I'm fain to come
If your present days are so pleasant,
For my days are so wearisome.

"Yet I'll dry my tears for your sake:
Why should I tease you, who cannot please you
Any more with the pains I take?"


I SAID: This is a beautiful fresh rose.
I said: I will delight me with its scent;
Will watch its lovely curve of languishment,
Will watch its leaves unclose, its heart unclose.
I said: Old earth has put away her snows,
All living things make merry to their bent,
A flower is come for every flower that went
In autumn, the sun glows, the south wind blows,
So walking in a garden of delight
I came upon one sheltered shadowed nook
Where broad leaf shadows veiled the day with night
And there lay snow unmelted by the sun:—
I answered: Take who will the path I took,
Winter nips once for all; love is but one.