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WE two are one; yet, you and I
Are farther than the Poles apart
Although between us is a tie
That ought to bind us heart to heart.

The Babe that smiles upon my knee,
I wonder, when he comes to think,
If he will know, that only he
Was 'twixt us two the single link.

I'm glad because I cannot trace
A look of yours; or, single sign
Of Fatherhood in his sweet face,
For then I deem him wholly mine.

'Twas I that bore him 'neath my heart,
Long days, and nights of loving ache;
You in the Birth throes had no part;
Alone I suffered for his sake.

And yet, through you, I've known the bliss,
The joy Maternity can give;
Who knows? Perhaps, the thought of this,
May bind us closer whilst we live.